

What is systemic work and how can it help you?

Systemic work helps you understand relationship dynamics.

At Growth Center, we extensively utilize systemic work as a crucial part of our approach. But what exactly is systemic work? Systemic work is a holistic approach originating from system theory and family constellations. Let’s delve deeper into what systemic work entails and how it can assist you in your personal development and growth.


Systemic Work

Systemic work is a holistic approach developed by Bert Hellinger, focusing on understanding the relationships and dynamics within systems. Humans are social beings who are part of multiple ‘systems’. A system can refer to a family, team, organization, or any group composed of several individuals.

At the core of systemic work is the belief that everything is interconnected, and individuals cannot be understood separately from their context and environment.

In practice, systemic work often involves constellations, where representatives are used to make the relationships and dynamics within a system visible. Think of family constellations or organizational constellations. Through constellations, hidden patterns and unconscious loyalties can be revealed, creating space for healing and growth.

At Growth Center, systemic work is ingrained in our DNA. This means that systemic perspectives and guidance are integral to every coaching session. If you’re seeking deeper insights, visit our page on systemic coaching.

The Three Systemic Principles

Within systemic work, three fundamental principles are used as the basis for understanding systems and their dynamics.

1. Order

This principle refers to the natural order within systems, where each member occupies a specific place and role. The order is based on hierarchy, age, or implicit rules. When the order is disrupted, for example, when a member does not occupy their rightful place, it can lead to conflicts and ineffective behaviors and patterns.

2. Right and Duty to Belong

Every member of a system has the right to belong and simultaneously bears the duty to contribute to the well-being of the whole. This second systemic principle emphasizes mutual connectedness and responsibility within systems. When the balance is disrupted, such as through exclusion, it can lead to disturbances within the system. Often, what is excluded demands attention.

3. Balance of Giving and Taking

Systems strive for a dynamic balance between giving and taking. This involves exchange and reciprocity. When this balance is disrupted, such as through one-sided relationships or unequal power dynamics, it can lead to tensions and stagnation within the system.